Faces of Long Island celebrates the uniqueness of everyday Long Islanders. In their own words, they tell us about their life experiences, challenges and triumphs. Newsday launched this social media journey into the human experience to shine a light on the diverse people of this wonderful place we call home.

‘I experienced cyberbullying, physical assaults and verbal insults, making it an extremely difficult time for me.’

Devin Moore, North Babylon

“Growing up on Long Island, I always enjoyed being close to my family. However, when I started middle school, I encountered severe racism and harsh bullying. At 14, I experienced racist bullying from my former middle school classmates. This mistreatment involved cyberbullying, physical assaults and verbal insults, making it an extremely difficult time for me.

“Beyond my personal experiences, I have seen bullying occurring worldwide, so I created Race To Speak Up, an organization focused on anti-bullying to educate and empower youth on prevention and standing up against bullying. I began speaking at various platforms like schools, podcasts and churches, and shared positive affirmations online to uplift others, especially in the digital space. My efforts have led me to speak at national conferences, develop an anti-cyberbullying curriculum called #BehindTheScreen, host monthly webinars based on the curriculum, launch the ‘Race To Speak Up’ podcast, and continue school presentations on bullying prevention.

Taking steps like these can make a positive impact on our world and save lives.

“My recent milestone includes writing a children’s anti-bullying book called ‘Devin Speaks Up!,’ sharing my personal bullying experience, encouraging speaking up to trusted individuals, promoting standing up against bullying and celebrating our diverse differences on the cover.

“I am dedicated to advancing anti-bullying education through workshops and book readings, believing in the significance of spreading kindness and making a positive impact. I’ve been fortunate to have come across many new opportunities. I collaborate with an organization called Humanity Rising, which led to the creation of my ‘Race To Speak Up’ podcast. Through this platform, I interview both youth entrepreneurs and adults. In the ‘Race To Speak Up’ podcast, I engage with activists, entrepreneurs and business leaders who are driving positive change in their communities or addressing cyberbullying.

“Alongside my co-host, Sun Hamama, who specializes in child and adolescent bullying, we host anti-cyberbullying webinars together. I always say you don’t need to start an organization to make a positive change, just speak up! If you don’t speak up, situations can get worse. Even if it’s in a smaller capacity, maybe you’re too shy or a little too scared, there’s other ways to speak up. You could do it through writing a note and then handing it to someone that you trust so that they know what’s going on. Taking steps like these can make a positive impact on our world and save lives.”

Interviewed by Starr Fuentes